Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Last Quarter

Time is flying passed us without waiting although we do wait for time to pass at times.

We are now in the last quarter of the year and I am now doing my review on my performance for the past 3 quarters. The budget management session shall be held sometime this month as to have thorough review and create the last push for the year end closing.

This is also a time for budgetting for next year performance beside staff appraisal evaluating the performance for each staff.

On the economic front - globally or locally, the reports are not rosy as compared to previous year around this time. You may have heard about the bailouts running into hundreds of billions USD. Tough challenges is ahead of us and we need to dig deep to prepare for the worst as we chart out our new blue print for next year whilst squeezing the last drops to close the year beautifully.

For me, I know...this month I will have few sleepless nights ahead in meeting the benchmarks set in order to deliver the goals. Whatever it is, I and the team will need to work out smartly together to meet the benchmarks/deadlines.

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