Friday, November 7, 2008

Brain Seems Better Than Physique

It seems that what you know is more appreciate or valued that what you can do ? ?
Well, try the following;
Usually people salary is paid based on what you can think of or your better brain thinking rather than physical extensive works. Look at the leader who think, plan and lead is paid better than follower who just follow what the leader instructs.
Of course there is exception if you are the best of your field and specialist when everyone needs your expertise...with little brain to bargain, you will get the better pay than those who just think.
That is why may be our parents or teachers always encourage us to study well in order to build up our brain. But the smarter of all are not the smartest kids in class as when we leave school, usually those grade A students are working for those grade B or C (of course not the grade D or E). Don't you agree ? Well, that is the fact !

I believe that this group B & C sutdents are those who are smart in using their brain in balance with higher EQ than the smartest kids.

It is not too late to discover than the requirement to have both IQ & EQ in balance and utilise wisely. Exposure @ Experience would help the balancing acts. Be alert and move with great confident that we are all equally good and the difference is only on whether we do use our intelligent to best of opportunities.

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