Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Show of Commitment

As I browsed this photo which was taken by myself at one of our corporate gathering in JB sometime in July this year, it suddenly strucked my mind today (not before as I was enjoying it as a game) what this simple game had a underlying message...

At times, both our hands may be tied up and we are only able to compete in certain guidelines. We must not be discouraged but still remain steady and have full trust in ourself and our team members (the ladies holding the milk bottle) in ensuring victory at the end of the day.

In corporate world today, we are faced with a lot of obstacles so much so that at times the system may not be fair but again, if we want to stay on course to success, we must learn to be "patience" to chart our own way. It is definitely easier to write this such statement as many would said so.
Yes, I am so in agreeable but then if we go on direct confrontation or crying likes babies or keep complaining...will it change the fairness issue instantly to our favour ? We may not even able to compete totally as our mind is blocked from our confrontational action or may be disqualified from the race.

Yes, it may not cooked like instant noodle but if we consistently play our role well to subtlely transmit the action of change...we will definitely put on the wave of transformation @ like 3 of my colleagues on the stage who had been sucking hard on the milk bottle, a long and slow suckling method may well be the winner at the end of the day and if we do not have the resilience, we may just stand up from suckling and declared disqualification on ourself...the choice is ours ! but what happen to our people and family ?

Friday, December 28, 2007

Last Weekend of 2007

My operation staff (except office boy) are all going back to office this weekend (Saturday and if could not finish, they will return also on Sunday) to clear all the secured cases as we look forward to clear all our production premiums into the system by 6.00pm on 31/12/2007.

I am sure for many, there are a lot of other better programme to look for rather than going back to office to work. Many would have family gathering, new year preparation or company dinners where time is needed to prepare and enjoy.

I am proud to note that all of them have made this decision with high commitment (without be instructed) as they know that the branch needs their vital support at this moment of time.

Dedicated and committed staff is what the company or a team needs. Without these values, we could only perform the requirement but unable to achieve the extraordinary achievements. Whether the result would deliver the desired results, the process of togetherness in delivering such a feat is already an achievement.

To these dedicated team members, I give 3 cheers of success... Hip 2x Hooray (3X)

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Secret

I am now reading "THE SECRET" by Rhonda Byrne, top selling book for self transformation...just reaching page 37 but I am already eager to share with many of you of this great book...revealing the Secret of Success...

"Everything that is coming into our life, we are the one attracting them to us. And it is attracted to us by virtue of the images we are holding in our mind. It is what we are thinking. Whatever is going on in our mind we are attracting to us."

When we keep thinking on certain things, we are building the image and concrete action to have them. This is not just one time or twice...but a constant imaging on the wants would make it a real happening. So, it is good and bad...if we keep on positive notes, then it will be a winning stance but if we are always reflecting on negativity...times will surely lead us to the consequence of it.

Enhance on good thoughts but strictly beware on negative thoughts. When you are on bad mood...we must learn quickly to discard the bad mood into happy refreshing thoughts and that is how we could attract the good things from the Universe...

Still reading on...
Can't wait for the sharing, may see the preview on this website :

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Big Picture

To be real successful in our undertakings, we must be able to see the big picture. Only when we see the whole picture of puzzle in front of us, we are in a better position to manage, control, lead and solve whatsoever obstacles or challenges ahead with easier solutions or paths. times, we may have thought that we saw the big picture but may only be small portion of a bigger picture. Not only we need to see the overall perspective the true picture, we must also be able to share or lead our team workers to see the same as if not, the outcome will not be as desirable as we wish and it may also lead to disastrous result.

Well, like the jig saw puzzle..we may only see bits and pieces of the big picture. At young, we could do the try and error tactic as we try to form the picture. As we progressed on, we have learnt the art and skills to be quick to summarise the whole picture and how best things can be managed and observed from a deep look... from a distance ?

Luck may play a part, I sometime one may be at greater difficulty if he or she happen to only see the blue piece like the above jig saw puzzle when compared to others who may have the piece of the cat's head. But truly,...with experiences, we manage this challenge well and even better if we can learn to complement each other by sharing the information perceived on the big picture through a more effective and efficient way, saving unnecessary hussles or waste of time or resources especially frustrations among members when things get rough.
The process of learning this formation of big picture is important in one's learning of leadership and teamwork. It is a life long learning if we compare it to the process of solving a jig saw puzzle. We can start from easy way...2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,.....20,000 pieces...or unlimited to try further ??
So, won't we agree that the more successful one would become, one would have resolved or seen many big pictures or bigger pictures. However, many may be just contented to have just see few pieces of the jig saw but asking for the satisfaction of seeing the whole big picture.
Hope we could resolve all our big picture in passing through our life especially the biggest picture of our life...THE REAL REASON of why we are in this WORLD ?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Respectable CEO

Frankly, tonight as I browse Will's photo blog tonight, I saw his great write up on the man in the may browse Will's write up here ( )
I have managed to google this recent photo (2007) from the net...and we can see our once strong head is much older now..but he is still going strong in sacrificing and sharing his passion on education to the less fortunate.
All the boys of Sacred Heart Secondary School have been fearing in respect for him so much so..that even the naughtiest of all still respected him for his strict discipline. My parents like him very much though they always need a translator to communicate with him. They have given him all authority to mould me from the day one I enter the gate of the school. He is Br. Albinus @ Abai, my CEO (Chief Education Officer) in my alma mater.
Many have gave high tribute to his selfless sacrifice although we have been through mentally "torture" during those period in school. He will cane the naughties and also praises those good ones. Even when we are naughty, I remembered when my whole class was summon to come back to school to clean up the old store behind squash court due to our noisy acts in class (above the canteen)...he still treat us to a pail of orange drinks and cakes...
The night self study session is a great method for me to brush up in my study. I started to go to night classes when I am still in Form 1. I actually spent most nights (except holidays) in school even during public holidays from morning till night (7.30 a.m - 12pm, 2.00 to 4.30pm then 6.30pm till 10.30pm)..we are talking about 10 solid hours here....I actually maintain this regime of learning till now..
Thank you are my Hero of Discipline. Hope to meet you soon again face to face (I will make sure I do not tremble, had my tougue tie-up, near piss in my pants...but speak to you in clear voice when you called up..the YII's boy, come over here....where is your brother Tom ? ...hehehe)
I am sure many of us have great learning experience from him, to share ?