Thursday, January 24, 2008

Quality Service Transformation

We have just launched our Customer Service Charter during our first QSBM 2008 and this year, my company is embarking on the total Quality Service Transformation in facing the new wave of business challenges.

Over the past 5 years, we have grown from a small company of RM50m to today an average size insurance firm commanding RM283m as at 31/12/2007. This is a 466% growth !

A lot of sacrifices, commitment and determination plus sweats and tears in putting up this record breaking effort year after year.

The new target for this year is RM320m and 2009 is RM360m. As the figure speaks for itself, we are indeed of total retransformation to ensure the team could progress further to achieve another record breaking year. Thus, the QS transformation is very aptly good for our company to deliver highest level of service and not in purely competing in pricing. Staff will be inculcated with the highest understanding of quality service (before and after sales services). There will a lot of reengineering of service flow and benchmarking monitoring process to ensure quality is always on the check.

The biggest challenges is not on servicing the customers but getting staff to be on a good customer mindset and always be professional in their quests of delivery.

In service industry, quality service is the key factor for customer to appreciate the service on long term though price factor may influence the decision of a new customer but not in the long run as customer would normally appreciate the quality of the service. I am for one would choose for quality service when it comes to my decision even when buying the China DVDs :) where I have also being avoiding from buying those DVDs as the quality for newer movies normally is not worth of considering.

What is your choice ? Quality or Price ?

Friday, January 18, 2008

100 Years of Celebration

My wife is going to walk 20km this Sunday joining her colleagues in celebrating their 100th year Anniversary in business. No joke ! It is 12.5 miles !

This is a commitment from the management of the company to celebrate life together as the company grows together with their policyholders and staff.

I am actually very concern of the long distance and are worried about her as she had never walk so far. However, I am proud of her commitment and determination to achieve this participation and I do pray for God's blessing and protection on her throughout the journey together with her colleagues.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Multitasking, is it real ?

Often in management, we have use this great word..MULTI-TASKING especially when management wishes their star employees to deliver all tasks promptly meeting the deadlines or benchmarks set.

What is actual multi-tasking in real senses ? From the defines as the ability to execute more than one task at the same time.

So, does this happen to anyone of us or will it actually be achieveable ? By strict meaning, YES it is possible and it depends on what sort of tasks involved.

Example of multi-tasking : Reading newspaper whilst having breakfast or foods or easing youself in the toilet.

For computer CPU, it can deliver more tasks at the same time and speed of completion would depend on the size of the RAM memory. I believe it would be quite similar to us, human...if we want to move faster and accurate we must increase the usage of our brains so that it could manage the tasks assigned in a systematic manner.

Yesterday, I am quite dissapointed with one of my staff when she admitted that she could not be multitasked. She can only do one task at a time and at a very slow pace. Therefore her compliance for the month is only 9% when comparing to her colleague who can achieve 60% with double loads and variety of products.
To help her, I have advised her to work out her To-Do List whilst put extra focus on sharpening her skills to speed up her learning process. The To-Do List will help her in planning her work rather than just processing one tasks for the whole day.
Interest and commitment may also play the part of whether multi-tasking skills can be acquired or not ?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Indeed There Is Right & Wrong

Many times we may have heard people saying there is no right or wrong when commenting on a cirscumstance, an event or a happening that is considering deep understanding. I myself at times also been influenced by such statement as it seems that this statement give a leeway or on the fence opinion or consolation to the receiving party.

In my deeper self, I believe there is right and wrong in every circumstances though at times we are not able to differentiate it between right or wrong as the situation is in very thin line of decision or we may not have the knowledge or we would not want to acknowledge the result unless it is to our favour.

If there is no right or wrong then the appointed Judges all over the world would not be able to pass judgement fairly (discard all the unfair judges or those that are under political influenced or other forces). They are a special group of people that is given the trust to judge what is right and fair to a right party and set out punishment to the wrong party. It is definitely tough but still there is a right or wrong.

In the eyes of our Almighty, there is always righteous or wrongdoers and He has all the power to understand all circumstances no matter how complicate the situation is.

Many would argue especially in business approaches such situation of no right or wrong will appear quite often especially when emotion is taken into play. In fact, if we do it with fairness and integrity we are doing it for our own bright future though we may not get the business. If we secure the business in unfair manners or illegal ways, we would need to compensate back on our future encounters. It is a definitely very challenging situation especially when the surrounding people or supporters pressing hard on the results.

I have a friend who is a good Christian and had shared of his experience of how he had struggle to maintain his integrity, honesty and faithfulness of not giving any undertable money or commissions to one of the strong contacts and at the end, he lost the tender worth RM5m though his tender price is the lowest.

In another case, they would is the person's intellingence to secure such feat. Imagine such bribery action is been praised ?? or others justified that they are only working for a living @ just like to prostitute, GROs etc also a profession to earn a living.

That is probably "why" those in business are always harder to pass through the gate of they have a lot of cleaning up to do. ***
Temptation is great in this material world. We need to seek for God's wisdom to overcome such situation as using our human's thinking will only get things worst.


A wrong is a wrong even if it is a good lie...we must sincerely seek for forgiveness and not to start pointing fingers on others too. This is very much similar of a leader who recently confessed of his wrong doings but also declared that his action is similar to other leaders who may have been worst but they are lucky as they have not caught in the act. Isn't he is not a sore loser ?

Who are we to judge but ourself. We must therefore constantly remind ourself that there is always right and wrong in our action. We must try to do with our sincere conscience, faith, integrity and honesty.


So how to breed good values ? It starts from us being individual. Clean up ourself (from head to toe) to be a truly better person upholding integrity (remember nobody is sinless). Sharing with younger ones the fruits of being honest, sincere and faithful to righteous.

I have learnt one sharing from my Church's friend when she went to a newly baptised Catholic...."In our life time on earth, we are working hard to live a wonderful life and hope to own a proper house and we must also prepare our new house in heaven in this life time as there will be no time for us to work hard after death for our future house."

Hence, we may not be able to prosper in our life time when doing good deeds (so far...many have been richer in faith and receive a lot of blessings, whereby God will never fail us) but for sure, we are definitely building the future house in Heaven.

Have nice weekend.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Twelve Motivation Messages

I have put up a new desk top calendar of 2008...but before I discard away my old 2007 desktop calendar, I would like to share the twelve motivation messages (on the calendar) that had been giving reflection throughout the year;
STRENGTH : Conquering others requires force; conquering
oneself requires strength.
UNSAFE : Playing safe is unsafe. Standing still is risky. You
must go forward.
RAINBOW : If you want rainbow, you've got to put up with rain!
NO DIRECTION : If one does not know which port one is
sailing, no wind is favourable.
ONE WIFE : When Adam was lonely, God created for him, not ten
friends, but one wife.
SPEAK THE TRUTH : When you speak the truth, you don't have to
remember what you said.
FEELING: The first and most important step toward success is
the feeling that you can succeed.
REAL EXCITEMENT: I love to succeed, but the real spiritual
and emotional excitement is in the doing.
IN YOU : Success lies not in time, place or circumstances,
but in the person.
FEAR : Some are afraid of the dark, others wait for it to see
the stars.
COURAGE : Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
CARE : If you find in your heart to care for somebody else,
you will have succeeded.