Sunday, December 21, 2008

The financial rippling effects has reached our doorstep

Western Digital announced that Kuching plant will be closed down by March 2009 leaving 1500 workers laid off.

The Timber is suffering worst effect and fear 100,000 workers may be laid off if situation worsen after Chinese New Year. Many of the timber camps have closed since November 2008 for festival till March 2009. Demand is very low from usual Japan market and many companies even cancelled orders.

Petrol/Diesel dropped another 10 cents since the famous 80 cents hike in August but kampua/kolok mee or other coffee shop increase had not reduced a cent. I think the operators will not move until no customers willing to patronise their premises.

Are we prepared for worst as we prepared to close the year and welcome the new year in 10 days time ?