Friday, July 3, 2009

Cash Before Trial

In corporate environment especially in the financial industry, it is a very sacred understanding of having highest integrity. One may always be hearing a lot hidden doings but true enough many were caught not charged. It may also due to long delay of authority investigation or probably the softer part of Malaysian culture or tidak apa attitude of us locally which may have encourage more became bolder in their action.

One may escape the charges but will not escape the punishment of life. Easy come and easy go. Time will prove if one has the patience.

Setinggi-tinggi tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga. One may thought that the community may be forgiving or forgetful but when one is caught, he or she may just have to count their days....praying for understanding and consideration but it will be definitely a disgrace to oneself, family & friends. So better do not cash before is never worth to be part of this evil acts...

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