Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Show of Commitment

As I browsed this photo which was taken by myself at one of our corporate gathering in JB sometime in July this year, it suddenly strucked my mind today (not before as I was enjoying it as a game) what this simple game had a underlying message...

At times, both our hands may be tied up and we are only able to compete in certain guidelines. We must not be discouraged but still remain steady and have full trust in ourself and our team members (the ladies holding the milk bottle) in ensuring victory at the end of the day.

In corporate world today, we are faced with a lot of obstacles so much so that at times the system may not be fair but again, if we want to stay on course to success, we must learn to be "patience" to chart our own way. It is definitely easier to write this such statement as many would said so.
Yes, I am so in agreeable but then if we go on direct confrontation or crying likes babies or keep complaining...will it change the fairness issue instantly to our favour ? We may not even able to compete totally as our mind is blocked from our confrontational action or may be disqualified from the race.

Yes, it may not cooked like instant noodle but if we consistently play our role well to subtlely transmit the action of change...we will definitely put on the wave of transformation @ like 3 of my colleagues on the stage who had been sucking hard on the milk bottle, a long and slow suckling method may well be the winner at the end of the day and if we do not have the resilience, we may just stand up from suckling and declared disqualification on ourself...the choice is ours ! but what happen to our people and family ?

Friday, December 28, 2007

Last Weekend of 2007

My operation staff (except office boy) are all going back to office this weekend (Saturday and if could not finish, they will return also on Sunday) to clear all the secured cases as we look forward to clear all our production premiums into the system by 6.00pm on 31/12/2007.

I am sure for many, there are a lot of other better programme to look for rather than going back to office to work. Many would have family gathering, new year preparation or company dinners where time is needed to prepare and enjoy.

I am proud to note that all of them have made this decision with high commitment (without be instructed) as they know that the branch needs their vital support at this moment of time.

Dedicated and committed staff is what the company or a team needs. Without these values, we could only perform the requirement but unable to achieve the extraordinary achievements. Whether the result would deliver the desired results, the process of togetherness in delivering such a feat is already an achievement.

To these dedicated team members, I give 3 cheers of success... Hip 2x Hooray (3X)

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Secret

I am now reading "THE SECRET" by Rhonda Byrne, top selling book for self transformation...just reaching page 37 but I am already eager to share with many of you of this great book...revealing the Secret of Success...

"Everything that is coming into our life, we are the one attracting them to us. And it is attracted to us by virtue of the images we are holding in our mind. It is what we are thinking. Whatever is going on in our mind we are attracting to us."

When we keep thinking on certain things, we are building the image and concrete action to have them. This is not just one time or twice...but a constant imaging on the wants would make it a real happening. So, it is good and bad...if we keep on positive notes, then it will be a winning stance but if we are always reflecting on negativity...times will surely lead us to the consequence of it.

Enhance on good thoughts but strictly beware on negative thoughts. When you are on bad mood...we must learn quickly to discard the bad mood into happy refreshing thoughts and that is how we could attract the good things from the Universe...

Still reading on...
Can't wait for the sharing, may see the preview on this website :

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Big Picture

To be real successful in our undertakings, we must be able to see the big picture. Only when we see the whole picture of puzzle in front of us, we are in a better position to manage, control, lead and solve whatsoever obstacles or challenges ahead with easier solutions or paths. times, we may have thought that we saw the big picture but may only be small portion of a bigger picture. Not only we need to see the overall perspective the true picture, we must also be able to share or lead our team workers to see the same as if not, the outcome will not be as desirable as we wish and it may also lead to disastrous result.

Well, like the jig saw puzzle..we may only see bits and pieces of the big picture. At young, we could do the try and error tactic as we try to form the picture. As we progressed on, we have learnt the art and skills to be quick to summarise the whole picture and how best things can be managed and observed from a deep look... from a distance ?

Luck may play a part, I sometime one may be at greater difficulty if he or she happen to only see the blue piece like the above jig saw puzzle when compared to others who may have the piece of the cat's head. But truly,...with experiences, we manage this challenge well and even better if we can learn to complement each other by sharing the information perceived on the big picture through a more effective and efficient way, saving unnecessary hussles or waste of time or resources especially frustrations among members when things get rough.
The process of learning this formation of big picture is important in one's learning of leadership and teamwork. It is a life long learning if we compare it to the process of solving a jig saw puzzle. We can start from easy way...2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,.....20,000 pieces...or unlimited to try further ??
So, won't we agree that the more successful one would become, one would have resolved or seen many big pictures or bigger pictures. However, many may be just contented to have just see few pieces of the jig saw but asking for the satisfaction of seeing the whole big picture.
Hope we could resolve all our big picture in passing through our life especially the biggest picture of our life...THE REAL REASON of why we are in this WORLD ?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Respectable CEO

Frankly, tonight as I browse Will's photo blog tonight, I saw his great write up on the man in the may browse Will's write up here ( )
I have managed to google this recent photo (2007) from the net...and we can see our once strong head is much older now..but he is still going strong in sacrificing and sharing his passion on education to the less fortunate.
All the boys of Sacred Heart Secondary School have been fearing in respect for him so much so..that even the naughtiest of all still respected him for his strict discipline. My parents like him very much though they always need a translator to communicate with him. They have given him all authority to mould me from the day one I enter the gate of the school. He is Br. Albinus @ Abai, my CEO (Chief Education Officer) in my alma mater.
Many have gave high tribute to his selfless sacrifice although we have been through mentally "torture" during those period in school. He will cane the naughties and also praises those good ones. Even when we are naughty, I remembered when my whole class was summon to come back to school to clean up the old store behind squash court due to our noisy acts in class (above the canteen)...he still treat us to a pail of orange drinks and cakes...
The night self study session is a great method for me to brush up in my study. I started to go to night classes when I am still in Form 1. I actually spent most nights (except holidays) in school even during public holidays from morning till night (7.30 a.m - 12pm, 2.00 to 4.30pm then 6.30pm till 10.30pm)..we are talking about 10 solid hours here....I actually maintain this regime of learning till now..
Thank you are my Hero of Discipline. Hope to meet you soon again face to face (I will make sure I do not tremble, had my tougue tie-up, near piss in my pants...but speak to you in clear voice when you called up..the YII's boy, come over here....where is your brother Tom ? ...hehehe)
I am sure many of us have great learning experience from him, to share ?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Listen To Learn

Good listening is truly where effective communication begins. It's suprising how few people really listen well, but successful people, more often than not, are the ones who have learned the value of listening.

I must admit that at my age, I am learning hard on how best to listen well to people, learning the real art and skill in understanding the real needs and problems of the other person. In my work as a risk manager, I need to have good listening skills to provide better solutions, risk management and protection programme to the enquired parties.

Not only we must be able to listen well, we must practise active listening. What is active listening ? It is an attentive approach, affirmation of understanding (ok...I understand..yes etc), noting with eye to eye contacts coupled with right questioning skill to understand the fact of the matter shared (it is not belittleing or judging the contents of sharing bu rather trying to understand deeper).

A fact need to be understood...people everywhere love to be listened to and they almost respond to people who listen to them. Listening is one of the best techniques we have for showing respect to others.

One leader also shared with me many years back...God gave us two ears so that we can listen more than we speak, as we have only one mouth. Further, we can close out mouth, but our ears are open 24 hours. This affirmed the importance of listening.

Spent more time to learn how to listen better, we will soon find out that we could learn so much from others.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How Important Is Education ?

I used to receive comments saying that having high qualifications may not be the best option to be successful in life. These comments normally came when comparing the success of non-educated millionaires or even the example of Michael Dell and Bill Gates were put forward. So, it is really true that one may not need education to be successful ?
Before writing further, I have searched for the simple definition of education from Wikipedia. It says;
"Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom."
Further clarify,
Education has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization). Education means 'to draw out', facilitating realisation of self-potential and latent talents of an individual. It is an application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology.
From the above definition, it is clearer to understand that education is a very wide understanding for human perfection in life where many disciplines can be taught. I believe different person will learn their skills or knowledge in different ways; some through watching, feeling, sharing, listening, working, sleeping or dreaming. The main school system normally provide a direct education of read, write and calculate for students and also also marked their success through examination.
Some special students may not have the liking to go through the usual channel of examination as they may be better in certain of type of skills; singing, playing musics, giving speeches, sports etc. These special students could also become very successful giving proper care and attention.
Going back to the initial remarks on people without education could also be very successful can be understood that even those people without education had also received some form of basic education at least on read, write or calculate at young age. The more difficult question to answer would be higher qualification...
Well, I would choose at probabilities to attempt in answering the question.
1. It is a fact that more people became successful when they received proper education programme at least to higher education. Yes, there are also many (but the overall number may be small) those who only complete secondary schools achieved successful status. But how about those only complete only primary or kindi ? Yes, there are still a group....then how about those never learn to read, write or calculate ? I do not recall of any...(may be few...but these people also learn the basic skills on their progress to success).
2. Higher education is only a ticket to let one enter a intermediate level of life does not guarantee one's success as there are other factors to look upon. It is usually hope that education forms a foundation for one to at least able to work independent on its way to success.
3. What else...huh ? successful in life must not just evaluate on monetary must include family upbringing, generation sharing, morality, contribution to the society, legally based and spiritually blessed. Example : A King of Gangster is also successful in terms of monetary ???
Last but not least...I believe only those who learn education (not only in classroom also including society at large) seriously and able to apply as much of its principles to gel it with learning experiences in the real environment and never stop to educate themselves throughout their journey to success are the one who have higher probabilities to reap their fruits at last.
Our journey of life is a lifelong learning (education)....

Friday, November 23, 2007

Remembering Birthdays

Beside our wife, kid, parents/inlaws and brothers/sisters' birthdays, the next important birthday to be remembered is our Bosses' birthdays. In my line, my core customers' birthdays are also a must.
Actually remembering somebody's birthday is good and it helps in appreciating the person. Whether they are close or far, if we could at least send a text message, I believe it will brighten one's face when receiving it. Nobody will forget their own birthdate...unless they are insane. Therefore, it is my practice to remember as many birthday as possible as to appreciate them as my friend.
So, yesterday evening, I celebrated my two bosses' birthdays together with my staff at the club. All of us have good time (though I felt dizzy and blocked nose) as we chatted on all kind of topics (laughing all over). The birthday cake (cheese strawberry chocolate) was from Tom's and I have to admit that it is the best cake that I have tasted this year...yum..yum..yum.
Actually, it is our office's culture to celebrate staff birthday as to share the joy of their birth and strengthen our bonding through this simple gathering.
So, how many birthdays do you remember ?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Key Employee Retention Programme

These days, one of the hottest commodities in business is a skilled staff. Employee retention is key to continued success for any company, regardless of size. The following suggested points (which I learnt from one article) are good for consideration as positive inputs for your strategy to retain your key staff/team member.
Step One
Determine what motivates your individual employees. For most employees, money is not the key issue; relationships, fulfillment and recognition are.

Step Two
Notice how much recognition an employee needs. Some employees can go years without praise, whereas others will leave after six months.

Step Three
Understand that many employees are motivated by their social network at work. Encourage activities that make your employees feel like valued members of a team.

Step Four
Realize that incentives don't have to be huge. A surprise gift certificate for the local ice cream parlor in the weekly paycheck will generate positive feelings.

Step Five
Make benefits more accessible. If your company reimburses tuition for college courses, have a college administrator come to your company so employees can find out about classes and programs.

Step Six
Consider telecommuting, job sharing and other flexible working arrangements.

Step Seven
Offer profit sharing incentives to encourage longevity.

Step Eight
Create clear career paths at the company.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Puzzle of Integrity

A statement from Stanford Encyclopedia on Integrity :
Integrity is one of the most important and oft-cited of virtue terms. It is also perhaps the most puzzling. For example, while it is sometimes used virtually synonymously with ‘moral,’ we also at times distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. Persons of integrity may in fact act immorally—though they would usually not know they are acting immorally. Thus one may acknowledge a person to have integrity even though that person may hold importantly mistaken moral views.
Just like "telling a lie". A lie is a lie..reflect your integrity and sincerity. Sometime, people says they need to lie for good you agree ? is definitely wrong...and it is a sin to lie whether it is good or bad...therefore we must confess and ask for forgiveness.
One must have the courage to stand up truly, sincerely and face with whatsoever consequence...
Little children are pure, direct and sincere...and that is why Jesus enter heaven, we must be like the children...pure in heart and mind...and it is easier for an elephant to grow through the needle head than a rich person to go through heaven doors..
The next time we lie (whether for good or bad)...please remember the consequences.....the crumbling down of our integrity walls....
Have blessed days ahead.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Keeping Silence

Lately I have noticed that one of my staff would normally keep his silence whenever we are having discussion and occassionaly noting heads. This can be an art of communication that one must not ignore. However, such act of silent is golden can really piss your mind off and I do not mind to admit from my own perspective. As a proactive person, I totally discourage such approach and it seems that this act could be viewed as intelligently ignorant approach to stay silent and ignorant.

When a person is asked to comment or share, it is very disrespectful when one chosen to be silent. Nevertheless, I would also try to understand from the person's view that he may be just without any ideas to say. Thus, the silence ! This is further translated to his below par performance for the past 6 months. However, I am hopeful that one could take positive approach in whatever cisrcumstances and transform the situation in order to have a fruitful two ways communication.


I am still struggling to finish my slides on TEAMWORK. Talking about it is easy but as you want to put in as presentation slides and share with your team members...that is where the challenges rises.

Many of us would think that teamwork is really important...but do not know where to start...always thought that the other party should be a better team player. The real fact is that we must start with our ownself and how we could be a better team member to others. Of course as we progress about teamwork...almost everyone would like to be the thinking that being the get less tasks but getting members to move around.

Is it true ? I do not think being a good and dynamic leader, it is harder than expected...a lot of self sacrifice needed here. You would need to work our a good plan and then work that plan out properly. You need stay later than the rest and motivate the rest of the team member to work smarter. Of course if you have a strong team member...every task will be made easier..but then again, when having a strong team member, you must be able to manage the expectation as if not...they will change the leader.. must be prepared to be a strong, dynamic, energtic and committed leader orelse you shall meet the end of the road soon.. continuing preparing good presentation for my team members...

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The local Borneo Port has cleverly summarised our Malaysian 1st astronaut as DR.SMS a short name for Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. I guess he will have the glamour of it for the rest of his life like Niel Armstrong, the first US astronaut to step foot on the moon. I believe by his return he will be graced a "Datuk" like other athletes who has scored the 1st in their field.

However, my post today is not on Dr. SMS but I would like to share about the responses of SMS (Short Messaging System) whereby we have been using it to text our messages to our loved ones, friends, colleagues and all those who have a handphone.

Many times, I have been sending a lot of SMS-es to my friends/colleagues on certain motivational or life sharing texts and each time, I have only received handfuls of reply...says 20% (for new year/festive messages, it is more at 80-90%). I must say that in sales, that is still a remarkable achievement as normally in bulk mailing sales approach, we are only expecting less that 5% responses. Nevertheless, I am curious to know why the other 80% does not respond, I list down my own reasons;

a) Take such messages for granted
b) Save money as reply need to pay charges
c) Don't like my messages
d) Don't know how to respond
e) I don't know the reason

This morning I have sent another message, 2 out of 13 responded and I observe that normally these are proactive and positive persons.

Whatever the result, I am still happy to send my SMSes to friends/family or acquataince as I believe I could probably able to motivate, light up or give new idea to them when they need most.

What do you think ? If you do not believe, you may want try it and find out yourself.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Take Care of Our Words

In my past 12 years working life (of course not counted my time in primary, secondary or tertiary school), I have learnt, unlearnt and relearn a lot on this simple subject...but still learning to master the effect of this action...I was reminded when I came to learn the following comforting message yesterday and would like to share with you as follow;

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage & anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice" @ Ephesians 4:29-31.

In our competitive job, we are always exposed to a lot of slandering, sarcastic or negative words. It takes a real good person to be able to withstand such temptation of not reacting but responding with kindness and love.

I believe in Jesus' message that repay evil with kindness/love, it will bring more kindness/love. Repay evil with evil will only increase evil. It is definitely tough to be like he has also gone through tremendous sufferings but with His love for us, we could withstand such obstacles and be like all His Disciples/saints/holy men/women.

Jesus also reminded us....It is not important for what goes in to the mouth of a person but what comes out from the mouth from him...thus, we must be careful on what we the tongue can be sharper than the knife...killing with no blood.

I will always remember this message and may we all be reminded to speak good and righteous...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Handphone versus Annual Leave

When you are on leave, do you still switch off your handphone ? If no, why ? Are the following the possible reasons ?

1. No other handphone or number can be used
2. Afraid customers cannot reach lose business
3. Boss told you not to switch off handphone and must be 24-hours on call (but he himself switch off)
4. Cannot let go of responsibility...
5. A corporate culture that has been embedded in your mind since day one..
6. In case your girlfriend cannot reach you...

Is it wrong to switch off handphone on your leave days ? I do not think is wrong but I myself have been suffering this since the day one I have handphone back in April 1997 (Nokia 232)...

Then, how to manage expectation especially from customer and big boss... TURN into silent mode...:) then screen your calls and call back...or practice..."The number that you have dialed is out of reach at this moment, please do not call back as he will not answer your calls anymore until he is back on work" ....hehehe..try it...

Is A Big Big World...

All these while I have been on and off sending out text messages to my family, friends and colleagues on some meaningful statement of life. Last night, I have received a meaningful reply from one of my staff in Mandarin (however as I do not read Mandarin though can 70-80% I have to text it to my wife to read it out to me). I am surpised and are appreciative when I learnt on the meaning of I need most of such reminder in my challenging services world these days. It says...(translated by self understanding)....

When your heart is small, your world also become small..
When your heart is weary, many options seems to appear...creating more confusion...
Keep your heart big and light, things shall become smoother and clearer...

Simple words like this does make a lot of difference in our life of action. Therefore, those of you have the opportunity to read this blog...a blessing is also endowed on you to have the opportunity to be reminded of this simple act....Keep your heart big and light, the happiness is yours..

Have nice days ahead.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Monthend Again !

This month is a real hectic month...starting off with staffing issues....with a lot of dust of uncertainties but finally started to settle down towards the end of the month. A lot of communication been made and I would expect these to rise further as real challenges will start off next month onwards.

Closing of Q3 is an important barometer for us to check on our last lap to close the year 2007 with 3 months to go. Next month Oct is a budgetting month where all unit manager will be called to present the outlook for next year business plan and budget. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure we have better reflection of results just like those stock counters trying to build up a better outlook.

Overall result for Sep is mere satisfactory as I viewed myself though I was hoping for the big one to close in today.

I hope, yearn and shall work for better results to follow through the last 3 months of the year...but for today, I shall take a good reflection before starting fresh on Monday, 1st of October 2007 to move all my machineries may the force be with me.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

No Direction

"If one does not know which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable"
It was a coincident yesterday when I was discussing with my superior and one of the staff pertaining to her future direction, we discover this statement.
As we talked about the unity as a team and togetherness as a powerful drive forward, my staff seems confuse and does not know which way to decide. It was at this moment, my superior was looking at the desktop calendar on one of the motivation remarks stated... on the above title !
When we have no direction, what should we do ?
- Search our soul deeply ?
- Brainstorm ?Lay down as many options as possible ?
- Talk to your mentors/best friends ?
- Importantly, pray to our Lord for real direction and our reasons in this world..
It is true that if we do not have direction, our world stops ! or circling around. When we have a clear direction, our tasks can be coordinated easily than no direction. Challenges can be managed. Difficulties can be adsorbed. Happiness can be multiplied. Success is strongly sought after.
Therefore, we always need to revalidate our direction, make sure we are crystal clear of our goal as we spend every second of our life.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sales Core Activities

In sales, if we are not doing our core activities, we would not expect any results ! In fact, in any jobs there are always its core activities...and we need to find them out to ensure we are able to deliver the required results.

They are ; prospecting, presenting and closing sales. These 3 activities are a must in our sales life. So when we do not carry out these activities, for month's sales figure will drop.

Therefore, all efforts are put forth to ensure we always do either of the actions for our survival in sales.

If you are in sales, you know what I am talking about...if not do observe and ask the sales people whether these 3 actions are not their core acts or not !

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A more serious outlook...

Just changed my blog's cover today to provide more serious outlook and hope to create more creativity and commitment in blogging..

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Real Commitment

Today, I am perplexed to learn on a finalised candidate whereby she turn down my job offer as she is more willingly to serve her new boss of a week eventhough the offer that have put forth is much better...35% extra than her existing package..we are not talking about 5%/10% extra but a 35% extra which is a lot and could be use to pay the monthly MYVI installment !

In fact, I am impressed with her commitment as I believe she had committed herself to serve her new boss faithfully. She keeps her words !

What do you think ? Money is not, we must always keep this in mind, there are always people who do not work for money but for satisfaction..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Do you need motivation ?

As a leader, motivation comes within ourself whilst as follower, we like to be motivated.

To be in the forefront of competitive line, we need to have self generating motivation as to compete with the rest.

A simple analogy would be comparison between a battery assisted calculator with solar based calculator.

For battery calculator , we need a battery to operate. Without battery, nothing moves. However, for solar, the calculator can moves with self creating energy cells to move. Not waiting for battery to give, the cells seek its own ways to adsorb light to generate energy...

When we are down, we can always generate our own motion of motivational actions from our surroundings.

So, the next time, you need motivation, remember that you have yourself to self motivate as the choice is yours !

Friday, June 29, 2007

Work Commitment & Sacrifices

As sales person, the most satisfying moment would be securing your sales and able to meet your target whilst for operation person, it would be when you are able to delivery excellence products. In fact both sales and operations are aiming the same dream that is to satisfy and meet their set goals. They both are important in servicing internal and external customers.

My current work position allows me to be in sales and operations at the same time which enable me to value the difficulties of both positions. In fact, it is the best position which one would to be as it really give you the maximum exposure in management of business.

When I reflect on my own organisation, I am proud to associate with team of dynamic people especially with proactive leaders or followers. I must say that going through past 12 years of corporate life, I have learned the pertinents of managing people but yet to obtain the mastery of it as human characters are the hardest to change. Yet, I have the opportunity to learn from the masters on how to swim with these difficult people and obtain the best from nothing.

Many would just want to care of themselves without even caring for others. Of course, we must care ourselves but at the same time we need to support and care for the people that sacrifices and care for us. To be a good leader, we need to be able to sacrifice more and be good supporter of our staff when they need most. Frustration at work looking from the level of commitment from staff is really at times painful from within so much so that we really hope that they would change for better tommorow.

Good staff who is committed will never show such attitude but will always work extra mile for our leader. Before judging others, we must ensure that we are the good staff that have the best stuff for our leader's needs.

Commitment comes from within not from without. When no commitment is made, there is no action to be taken. Thus, desired results will not be forthcoming. In life, there are a lot of expectation, wants, needs etc. When committed to one's goal, we must sacrifices or make arrangement to ensure other activities will not affect our main goals.

Well, in commitment of work to achieve success, we must be ready to make sacrifices. People say; no pain, no gain. Thus, no sacrifices, no success !

Friday, May 25, 2007

A Commitment To Respond

This blog is created for my personal observation on the level of Commitment To Respond in service industry as I journey through my life. Thus, there is no intention to hurt others' feelings but sincere and genuine comments from my personal consideration. All are welcome to share your views and ideas.

Well, I must declare that this statement of "Commitment to Respond" is actually learned from my current employer where I have been primarily exposed to adopt this culture to respond. There are 6 components to this respond culture in the company namely;

a) Communication - Communication bridge between people
b) Trust - Trust in yourself and others
c) Discipline - Keep the focus to achieve your dreams
d) Teamwork - A succesful team beats with one heart
e) Culture - It is culture that makes everyone equal
f) Partnership - Your are the partner of the company

We are urge to be commited to our customers with pride and respect, to respond in an efficient and professional manner, to always uphold company's culture and image and to believe in ourself and achievements.

I believe in what treasured in this statement as rightfully for our service industry, we need to ensure we are able to put this commitment in first priority to deliver our respond with care and respect. This shall be the pillar of our professionalism as we pledge our commitment to deliver.

Before ending, I pledge to have the commitment to make this blog interesting, benefitial, relaxing with good values to all who serve this blog. Have a nice day.